
Important Information

Please review the following important information before booking your stay at MacaraResort.

Rates and Availability

All rates displayed on this website are subject to change and availability. Rates may vary depending on the season, day of the week, and room type. Please contact the resort directly for the most current rates and availability.

Guarantee Policy

A valid credit card is required to guarantee your reservation. Please refer to our cancellation policy for details on cancellation fees.

Taxes and Fees

All rates exclude applicable taxes and resort fees. These fees will be added to your final bill.


The images displayed on this website are for illustrative purposes only and may not depict the actual size or layout of the rooms or facilities. Please refer to the room descriptions for details.


Parking may be available for a fee. Please contact the resort directly for more information on parking options and rates.

Pet Policy

MacaraResort may or may not be pet-friendly. Please contact the resort directly to inquire about their pet policy.